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Things that make you go hmmmm…..

Didn’t know until just now, but I have been registered in Moodle for 690, and it appears as a course like the others with discussion forums etc.  However, I am the only learner listed, and the sole member of the only team, Team 1.  It is very lonely in here…..

  1. Cindy permalink

    Oh, how sad…almost wish I had gone this route to keep you company…(almost)…why don’t you ask Judith if we can have exchange priviledges…perhaps we can all have access to each other’s learner cafes. After all, you are still in the cohort! We just had a course about supporting learners in technology-mediated environment…just because you chose a different path shouldn’t mean you are isolated.

    Anyway, your blog is now bookmarked 🙂

  2. deadvocate permalink

    Hi Cindy. Ah, not so sad, I found it kinda funny! I had a team-meeting with myself last night and we are working hard on our project now. Good suggestion about exchange privileges; perhaps Judith would allow access to a cafe in 690 and you guys could play in the there! I would call it, The Sandbox! Cheers!

    p.s. I have work to do on this blog yet: not sure how to organize it.

  3. Cindy permalink

    Hey Ken,

    It looks like you have a good start to organizing your space and the good thing about Blogs is that the owner gets to make it look like they want! Before long, it will seem pretty together though…

    I have a special request…can you post your APA rant from 503 here? I would hate to see that lost forever once LRNT is over. 🙂


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